Teaching Approach
Health and safety
We take the health and safety of your students very seriously. Dance Ignition teachers are qualified and hold enhanced CRB disclosure, public liability insurance and PPL music license. The teaching environment is always risk assessed before starting a class. All classes start with a dynamic and class-specific warm-up sequence aimed at emphasising the importance of preparation for dance and exercise. Classes are brought to a conclusion with a calming cool-down regime to bring the heart back to a resting rate and short plenary to wrap up class activities.
Class content
Each class/workshop will have clear objectives set, agreed by the school. These objectives are based on the National Curriculum [link] and QCA guidance, so that you can tick all the Ofsted boxes.
Key components to our dance education approach are:
- Composition (choreography and creating dance pieces)
- Appreciation (self, peer and group evaluation. Gaining ideas and learning from watching professional dance works)
- Performance
Participants undertake the rewarding experience of making a group dance piece. This creative process involves:
- Learning a dance phrase (teacher-led),
- Composing short dance pieces (pair and group work).
- Combining these into a group dance.
- Rehearsing.
- Performing.
All courses/regular weekly classes and stand-alone workshops are evaluated by the workshop facilitator. In addition the school/organisation is also asked to fill in an evaluation form. This will form the basis of a short evaluation report, including recommendation for further development and learning for the participants.